Outstanding design. Period.
New Century Management has designed thousands of learning programs for organizations around the world. Our highly experienced instructional designers can evaluate your business challenges to create a powerful learning experience to meet your specifications and budget needs.
We translate your training requests into comprehensive workshopsfor classroom or online learningtargeted precisely for the right audiences and at the right levels. Our designs are distinguished by lively interactive exercises, creative practicality, and a passion for on-the-job applications.
We fulfill your specific learning competencies, while incorporating high learner involvement and skill mastery with your choice of delivery methods. More
- Classroom face-to-face
- Blended learning
- Satellite
- Self-paced (print)
- Video production
- e-learning
- Desktop multimedia
- Internet/Intranet
- Teleconferences
- On-the-job (including shadow assignments)
You can count on results that will include tailored learning objectives, interactive exercises, content-rich modules and job-oriented outcomes. For example, we are proud of the recognition we've received for our comprehensive national roll-outs for the Ford Motor Company, U.S. Air Force, and the Graduate School, USDA.
As your partner, we'll use a systematic 6-step approach to deliver quality camera-ready participant guides, workbooks, PowerPoint slides, scripts, online programs, exercises and/or instructor guides. The specific steps are:
- Assess learning needs and audiences
- Write design document and learning goals
- Develop flexible learning modules, learning objects and/or script
- Write customized exercises and case studies
- Design evaluation tools and methods
- Deliver and evaluate pilot and/or training programs