Seize the Century. |
An effective performance plan with meaningful performance standards enables you to fairly measure and evaluate your employees' performance. Encourage excellence. Avoid misunderstandings resulting from poorly defined roles and responsibilities. Learn solid management approaches in this workshop.
Who Should Attend:
This workshop is designed for managers, supervisors, team leaders, and human resource professionals who write evaluations or are involved with the process.
Workshop Objectives:
- Setting clear performance goals and objectives
- Establishing consistent measurements and standards
- How to document and analyze employee performance
- Proven strategies for painless writing of performance reports
- Preparing for performance discussions / coaching
- Dealing with problem behaviors, poor performers, and unanticipated reactions
- Structured approaches for actionable feedback
How You Will Benefit:
- Reduce time and stress when writing and delivering appraisals
- Learn a structured, objective feedback method
- Defuse conflicts with less stress
- Improve your writing abilities
- Handle difficult feedback well
- Improve your coaching skills
- Increase employees’ motivation and commitment to goals
- Take appropriate action with poor performers